
Vasilis Kostakis was the Principal Investigator. The core team also included Chris Giotitsas, Ifigeneia Douvitsa, Mina Kouvara, Indra Lal Acharja, Lucas Lemos, Vasilis Niaros, Alekos PantazisAlex Pazaitis, San Pisith, Christina Priavolou, Alícia Trepat Pont, Nikiforos Tsiouris and Katerina Troullaki. Wolfgang Drechsler, Kaire HoltsKarin Kruup, Maro Pantazidou, Ben Robra, and Tonia Vita served as Project Associates.

Members of the following institutions collaborated with the COSMOLOCALISM team: the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society (Harvard), the Boulouki NGO, the FabCity network, the FarmHack network, the GFOSS, the Habibi Works community, the Heteropolitics project (AUTH), the Infrademos project (VU Amsterdam), the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (UAB), the Institute of Happiness, the L’Atelier Paysan cooperative, the OpenBionics initiative, the Open Lab (NU), the MITlinQ (MIT), the OSBeehives, the P2P Foundation, the P2P Models project (UCM), the P2P University, the Prospera project (UV), the RToDE (AUTH), the School of the Earth, and the Urban Transformation and Global Change Lab (UOC).